Cohabitation Investigations

Cohabitation refers to an arrangement in which two people live together in a domestic partnership or romantic relationship without being married. Cohabitation has become increasingly common in many parts of the world as attitudes towards marriage and relationships have changed.

Cohabitation can take many forms, ranging from short-term arrangements to long-term commitments. Couples may choose to live together for a variety of reasons, including financial convenience, emotional support, and a desire to test the waters of a long-term relationship before getting married.

In many places, cohabitation is recognized as a legally valid relationship, and couples who live together may be entitled to certain legal protections and benefits. However, the legal status of cohabitation can vary depending on the jurisdiction, and couples may need to take additional steps to protect their rights and interests.

Investigating cohabitation may be necessary in certain situations to establish proof of an individual’s living situation, particularly when it comes to legal or financial matters. For example, cohabitation investigations may be conducted in the following scenarios:

  1. Divorce proceedings: In some jurisdictions, evidence of cohabitation can affect spousal support or child custody arrangements. Investigating cohabitation may help establish whether an individual is living with a new partner or has otherwise established a new household.
  2. Insurance fraud: Cohabitation investigations may be conducted in cases of suspected insurance fraud, particularly in cases where an individual is claiming to be living alone but is actually cohabiting with a partner.
  3. Background checks: Employers or landlords may want to investigate an individual’s living situation as part of a background check to verify their current address, determine their suitability for a job or housing opportunity, or investigate other aspects of their personal history.

Prairie Investigations conducts cohabitation investigations in a legal and ethical manner that respects individuals’ privacy rights. Our private investigators who conduct these investigations must follow the laws and regulations of their jurisdiction and obtain any necessary permissions or authorizations. The evidence obtained through a cohabitation investigation may be used in legal or other proceedings, and that evidence is collected and presented in a manner that is admissible in court.